Waverly Health Center



The Waverly Health Center Auxiliary will support Waverly Health Center by providing a competent volunteer program and by providing financial support to ensure high quality, person-centered care. We will advocate for programs, practices and staff of the Waverly Health Center.

Auxiliary Members

Auxiliary members are volunteers and/or individuals who make a gift of money to the Auxiliary.

Auxiliary Fundraisers

Our Auxiliary raises money to provide college scholarships for students entering health care careers and to help fund special hospital projects. Each spring, the Auxiliary announces its fundraising goal for the year and Auxiliary members are invited to make a tax-deductible gift of money to show their support.

Auxiliary Scholarships

The Waverly Health Center Auxiliary is now accepting applications for its annual scholarships. These scholarships are available to WHC employees or individuals within the WHC service area who have graduated high school AND have completed or are completing at least one year of education in a health career field. 

These scholarships are made possible through WHC Auxiliary fundraisers including the Gift Garden, and through membership donations. 

If you would like to support our scholarship fund, donations are being accepted at any time. 

The deadline for submitting an application is April 11, 2025. 

To apply scan the QR code, or click here: https://forms.office.com/r/GkMCMnfSJM   

For further information, please contact: Melinda Pitt, WHC Volunteer Manager, at 319- 483-4076 or MPitt@waverlyhealthcenter.org

More Information:

E-mail Volunteer Services

Waverly Health Center Auxiliary logo
Woman shopping in gift store wearing mask