Waverly Health Center

Cardiology Clinic

Cardiology is the area of health care that studies the heart and treats people with heart problems.


Our visiting specialists care for patients with the following conditions:

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Arrhythmias
  • Valvular Heart Disease
  • Heart Failure
  • Congenital Heart Defects
  • Pericarditis/Myocarditis
  • Syncope

Waverly Health Center provides the following supportive cardiology services:

  • Cardiovascular testing
  • Respiratory testing
  • Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
  • Sleep services

Visiting Specialists

Image of Ahsan Maqsood

Dr. Maqsood holds clinic at WHC on Mondays.

To make an appointment:

(319) 272-5000

2nd Floor Visiting Specialists Clinic
312 9th Street SW
Waverly, Iowa 50677

Please park in the orange parking lot and enter through the orange entrance.

Dr. Dib holds clinic on some Fridays.

To make an appointment with Dr. Dib:

(319) 883-1452

Cedar Valley Medical Specialists Clinic, 3rd Floor
312 9th Street SW
Waverly, Iowa 50677

Please park in the green parking lot and enter through the green entrance.

Jessica Van Dyke, ARNP holds clinic at WHC.

To make an appointment with Jessica Van Dyke, ARNP:

(319) 883-1452

Cedar Valley Medical Specialists Clinic, 3rd Floor
312 9th Street SW
Waverly, Iowa 50677

Please park in the green parking lot and enter through the green entrance.


Skye Warren, ARNP holds clinic at WHC.

To make an appointment with Skye Warren, ARNP:

(319) 883-1452

Cedar Valley Medical Specialists Clinic, 3rd Floor
312 9th Street SW
Waverly, Iowa 50677

Please park in the green parking lot and enter through the green entrance.