The marketplace is a new way to find quality health coverage. It can help if you don’t have coverage now or if you have it, but want to look at other options. With one application, you can learn if you can get lower costs based on your income, compare your coverage options side-by-side and enroll.
When you use the marketplace, you can see all the health plans available in your area. You’ll provide some information about your household size and income to find out if you can get lower costs on your monthly premiums for private insurance plans. You’ll also learn if you qualify for lower out-of-pocket costs or if you qualify for free or low-cost coverage available through Medicaid or Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (hawk-i).
Medicare isn’t part of the Health Insurance Marketplace, so you don’t need to make any changes. If you have Medicare, you are considered covered. If you have job-based health insurance you like, you can keep it. You’re considered covered. You may be able to change to Marketplace coverage if you want to. There are several important things to consider. Go to to learn more.
Please call (319) 352-4120 to schedule an appointment.