Waverly Health Center

Visiting Patients

Visiting Hours

Due to the low spread of COVID-19 in our local communities, we are returning to patient-directed visitation for most of our services. Two visitors will continue to be allowed in the emergency department and outpatient surgery. Birthing Center patients may have two support persons with the addition of grandparents and siblings.

All patient visitors must be healthy and free of illness, or known exposure to the COVID-19 virus. For the safety of patients, staff and other visitors, individuals with symptoms of illness such as fever greater than 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, fatigue, chills, vomiting, or diarrhea must postpone their visits until their symptoms are gone.

Patients diagnosed with, or under suspicion for COVID-19, may have two designated visitors on the medical-surgical unit and one designated visitor in the Birthing Center. These designated visitors will be the same people for the entire length of stay for the patient. Visitors are expected to wash or sanitize their hands before entering the patient room and after leaving the patient room. Visitors will be shown how to properly don and doff the appropriate PPE by the nursing staff. Visitors will be provided information about the COVID-19 virus and how to prevent the virus’ spread. When visiting, visitors are expected to wear the appropriate PPE the entire time they are in the room with the patient. Visitors will not be allowed in the patient room during any aerosolizing treatments and may be asked not to return to the patient room following a period of time after any aerosolizing treatments.

Exceptions may be made in certain situations and can be discussed with the patient’s attending physician or licensed practitioner and the patient care team.

Waverly Health Center staff have the authority to request individuals on the premises who do not meet restriction criteria or are not following this policy to leave the premises.