Our physical therapy team includes licensed physical therapists, licensed assistants and certified athletic trainers to meet our patient’s needs. Our therapy team works to get patients back to their lifestyle before injury or surgery.
Physical therapists can help people who have functional conditions resulting from back or neck injuries, sprains, strains or fractures, arthritis, stroke, birth defects and injuries related to work, sports or leisure.
Waverly Health Center’s therapists use the Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill to help patients regain mobility, develop strength and fitness, and increase range of motion and natural movement – all while minimizing stress on injuries. The Alter G treadmill comfortable supports the user and “unweights” them by as much as 80%.
The Alter G can be used for:
Your health care provider can order these services for you. We accept Medicare, Medicaid and most medical insurances. Please verify with your insurance company that your test or treatment is a covered benefit.
Services provided by Taylor Physical Therapy Associates, LLC.
Contact Us
Phone: (319) 352-5644
Fax: (319) 483-4004
Manager: Ron Ragsdale, DPT
Find Us
312 9th Street SW
Waverly, Iowa 50677
Please park in the green parking lot and enter through the green entrance. Check-in at the registration desk.
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.